
Post 10

Post 10 7/28/2017 Activities: Ticketing Today was my last day at Verizon. It is a very bittersweet feeling. I am happy to be able to rest for the summer but now realize I am going to miss the people I got to work with on a day to day basis. This internship has been a very interesting experience and something I definitely do not regret partaking in. It has showed me sides to Verizon as a global company that many customers will never see. It has given me the experience of a working environment in a technology based company which is exactly the type of company I am seeking to work at in the future and this experience helps to solidify that view.

Post 9

Post 9 7/21/2017 Activities: Ticketing One major problem that I have experienced during my internship is fitting my needs into other people’s schedules without getting in their way. There have been many times that I need to get someone else’s help with a certain task when I realize that they are working on their own personal duty, are in a meeting, or are in the middle of a different important task I don’t want to have to pull them away from. I have learned to use the Jabber status indicators to see what they are doing right at that time and if they are set to available, I can walk by their cube to see if they have free time or are working on something they would most likely rather finish before I interrupt them.

Post 8

Post 8 7/20/2017 Activities: Ticketing I have learned that I like how a company such as Verizon is run and the work environment. It is very relaxed but work oriented and gets all the work it needs to get done finished. I also have learned that I am interested in a technological company as this is the kind of things that I would like to do as a career in the future.

Post 7

Post 7 7/20/2017 Activities: Ticketing This week I have been primarily working on just ticketing. This is nice because before with the power controllers project as well as ticketing I felt as if i had too much going on at once but now I feel I can contribute to the ticketing process much more. I believe that this experience has not greatly affected my career/college plans as I am still interested in the same plan that I had previously been interested in and am planning on going into. If anything this has solidified that plan as I like how the work environment in a technology based company is and I like the technological aspect to everything.

Post 6

Post 6 7/14/2017 Activities: Power controller project, Ticketing At the beginning of this internship, I didn’t have much access to systems that many of the duties are performed on, so I was doing basic tasks that don’t use those systems. Now, deeper into the internship, I have gained access to these systems so I am doing tasks involving these systems which have to do with tickets and other very interesting systems.

Post 5

Post 5 7/14/2017 Activities: Power controller project, Ticketing I feel that my main contribution to my internship is how I am able to help people do different things when they don’t have enough time or can’t quite do the task with their schedule. This makes me feel important because I am helping my coworkers with things that they wouldn’t be able to do themselves with their busy schedules. I feel like many of these projects have made me feel proud because I feel as if I contributed to a bigger thing, for example I was tasked with finding all the outage numbers and outage maps for power companies across the country, and when I finished I was told I helped to associate 1,869 site entries with their utility provider. This made me feel very proud and that I helped a lot.

Post 4

Post 4 7/7/2017 Activities: Power company project I believe that this internship has definitely met my expectations and is continuing to meet them. My expectation is that I would be able to see and experiment with different types of things that they do here to see what interests me and I believe that I have been able to do exactly that with what they have presented to me so far. I definitely believe I am in control of this as my supervisors are always giving me new opportunities and telling me to let them know if I would like to try something new.

Post 3

Post 3 6/29/2017 Activities: Power company project I believe that the experiences I have gained from the classroom have helped tremendously with preparing me for this kind of a work environment. The AOIT curriculum of group projects and work have helped to really get me acclimated to working in groups to get things done. Another thing that the classroom has taught me is how to learn when people are not directly telling me exactly what to do. I believe these 2 things are the greatest points that the classroom has given me for this internship. I believe there is not many things that I would have wished to learn before this internship. The only thing I would have wished to have more exposure with is Outlook and proper etiquette in the workplace. I adapted to this environment quickly but I would have liked to know how it would be going into this internship.  

Post 2

Post 2 6/29/2017 Activities: Power company project The work atmosphere inside of my group is very friendly and cooperative to get the things we need to get done finished as quickly and effectively as possible. The dress code is business casual within my group and most other groups. Usually what me and coworkers wear consists of jeans or khaki pants and a collared shirt. The work ethic is relaxed but making sure to get the work done. Coworkers will talk and have laughs but always make sure they are getting all the work they have to get done finished.

Post 1

Post 1 6/22/2017 Activities: Training Verizon is a global company that does many things that you may not even know about. Before I did this internship, I thought all that Verizon did was manage their cellular networks but now I see the many things they actually do all over the United States that make them such an important company in this day and age. They do many things including power controllers as well as helping to track alarms and different things that may affect our everyday lives. Right now I am working as a high school intern in the group of GPNOC, which stands for Global Power Networks Operation Center. I will be working with many people who handle different tasks within the Global Power NOC including watching for outages and many more things. I have been helping many people with things that they may not have time for or just need the extra set of hands to complete. I have done things from closing tickets to helping find outage numbers and maps for numerous power co